Does Insurance Cover Mold in Your Car?
Is There Such a Thing as; Automobile Mold Insurance?
I recently had a friend tell me that she had returned from a vacation to find that her car was full of mold and the resulting damage was extensive. Her car has a T-Top which was a likely source of the water entry into her car.
She had planned to submit a claim to her insurer to address t...

Are you Considering Car Warranty?
Arizona Car Insurance Policies
I just hung up the phone from a robot call telling me that my car warranty was expiring and I needed to renew right away in case my car developed some catastrophic mechanical failure. I laughed.
In Arizona, car warranties are considered insurance policies and are governed by the State Insurance Commission. I recognize that there is some debate about this but will strongly as...

Car accident? Does the Insurance Company Owe You for Diminished Value?
Most of us have been involved in an auto accident at some point. We have taken our vehicle to a body shop, gotten an estimate that was then sent to the insurance company, who then approves and pays for the vehicle to be repaired. Most people think that’s the only obligation the insurance company has. However, in certain states the insurance policy allows for payment of diminished value.
Diminished value is the difference between a vehicl...