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The Importance of Timing in Insurance Claims After a Natural Disaster

Natural disasters can strike without warning, leaving destruction in their wake. Whether it's a hurricane, flood, wildfire, or earthquake, the aftermath is often chaotic, making the insurance claims process overwhelming. One critical factor that can significantly impact the outcome of these claims is timing. Understanding the importance of timely action and how it affects the claims process can help policyholders recover mor...

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Navigating the Aftermath: Understanding Fire Losses, Insurance Claims, and the Role of Public Adjusters

In the wake of a fire, the devastation is not confined to the charred remnants of buildings but extends to the emotional and financial realms. While insurance claims serve as a crucial lifeline for recovery, the complexities of the process can be overwhelming. This is where the expertise of public adjusters becomes invaluable, guiding individuals and businesses through t...

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Success Story

We have a client that was impacted by a tornado in February damaging his home. His insurance company utilized an independent adjuster to inspect, document, and report the damages to the staff adjuster. Our public adjuster and the insured’s contractor were both present to ensure all damages were addressed. Once the staff adjuster reviewed the documentation from their...

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Recorded Statement VS Evaluation Under Oath

Sometimes insurance claims are not clean cut. Oftentimes the adjuster will have questions that you might feel are invasive. In some claims there is a recorded statement or an evaluation under oath. We typically see this for fire or theft claims. The purpose of a recorded statement or an evaluation under oath is for the insurance company to gather information related to you and your insurance claim.

A recorded statement is usually conducted by the insurance staff adjuster. This is gener...

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Storm Season is Here!

It is storm season here in tornado alley and Oklahoma is no stranger to high winds and torrential rains. Insurance claims for roof damage and possible flooding are most likely to occur during March – June. Here are some tips from your local public adjuster to navigate this season and your potential insurance claim.

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